A training and Resource Hub for Believers With A Zeal For God!
With God all things are possible. Through prayer and faith in Jesus find your breakthrough!
Dan's Daily Insight: Arise and shine! The light that is in you can change a life for all eternity! Share the truth and spread His grace everywhere you go! Jesus is Lord!
Book Donations
If you feel moved to donate please help by purchasing Daniels teaching books through Amazon and sending them to us. Then we give away 100 % of all books donated to students in need. We believe one word from God can change a life forever. We are not a registered charitable organization and fund this work fully through the blessing of God on our lives.
Jesus said "Freely you have received, freely give", so we always allow our students free access to all of our online teaching without charge.
Prayer Requests! You can e-mail your prayer requests and questions, or book orders directly to: dan@schooloffaith.caDan@schooloffaith.c
He will personally respond to as many as possible, and you'll be prayed for daily for your breakthrough!
~ Daniel is available to minister at your church or event.
Email dan@schooloffaith.ca for availability and more info.
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All of Daniel Fox's books are available on Amazon for quick and inexpensive delivery
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For a signed copy, email dan@schooloffaith.ca